The Pediatric Spica Table is tailored for child-care specialists working within a professional medical setting. Whether in clinics, childrens’ hospitals, emergency rooms, or general hospitals, the use of the Pediatric Spica Table will ease the treatment of pediatric fractures and dislocations. It provides a stable and adjustable platform that is easily stowed and cleaned after use.
Working with medical professionals, we have created a custom-designed spica table. Our spica table improves efficiency during the hip spica cast application after setting a hip/femur fracture or dislocation. Positioning and maneuvering the patient while applying a pediatric hip cast is made much easier with the Pediatric Spica Table’s adjustable platform.
The Pediatric Spica Table comes assembled. The spica table has two Full Spine Supports and two Perineal Posts that are interchangeable for the child’s size and doctor’s preference. Also included are two Partial Spine Supports with one Removable Perineal Post. Fully adjustable Arm Supports are available as an option. The Pediatric Spica Table is available in both a matte or polished finish.
The Pediatric Spica Table with Partial Spine Support and Removable Perineal Post for use with infant spica cast applications.
Pediatric Spica Table shown with Optional Arm Supports.
The Perineal Post is easily removed.
The Spinal Supports and Perineal Posts are easily interchanged so the proper table setting is always achievable. The Perineal Post is also easily removed or adjusted. The Table Top can be mounted centered or off-centered.
Table Top rotation and overall table length are easily adjusted.
The Pediatric Spica Table has Adjustable Arm Support Boards and Full Spinal Support for large child spica cast applications.
Full Spinal Support for infant spica cast applications.
Pediatric Spica Table with Adjustable Arm Support Boards, Partial Spine Support, and Removable Perineal Post for infant and large child spica cast applications.